Brian J. Jarrett Newsletter – Summer ’24

It’s been a while.

I suppose that’s an understatement, considering that I haven’t published a new book in six years. I’ve posted a bit here and there about getting back to it, even wrote 20k words on a novel that’ll never see the light of day, but that’s been about it for me when it comes to writing.

What happened? Well, lots of stuff. Health issues led to depression and the words just stopped flowing. Everything did. I dug my way out, bit by bit. I had a near-death experience that taught me a lot. I mended a broken relationship 25 years estranged.

In other words, a lot of shit has happened and I’ve gone through a lot of change these past six years.

This ain’t a pity party. I’ve put in the work and I’m happier now than I’ve been in a decade. I’ve learned who I am. I’m continuing to learn all that I’m capable of. I’ve found the universal god, you might say. To borrow a phrase from Juliana Hatfield, I became who I am.

I’ll be getting back to writing soon. I’ve been sprucing up the website, fixing some broken stuff here and there. I’ve been playing around with AI as a way to help better edit my books and to make them more accessible in different forms, like audio. I’m getting the office ready, so to speak.

I’m not going to entrap my self with a bunch of promised due dates. I’m going to write whatever’s in my heart at whatever pace suits me. I like to work, though, so I can’t imagine my pace will be too slow. Couldn’t be any slower than a six-year hiatus, right?

If you’re getting this email then that means you signed up for my mailing list sometime over the past decade. I’m changing up my newletter format a bit, so if you don’t remember who I am and/or why you even signed up in the first place then please feel free to unsubscribe. But…if you want to see what’s next for me in my writing journey then stick around. I’ll keep you in the loop.

Until next time, take it easy.

Brian J. Jarrett

July 31, 2024