Newsletter Mailing List Changes

We’re re-establishing Brian’s newsletter and new book notifications, but with a different approach this time. We’re switching to a new, more streamlined system. It’s been a while since the last email newsletter went out; a lot’s changed since then. As such, we’re starting over and building a new, updated list from scratch. So if you …

The Site is Back

We’re back! After moving to a new host a couple of months ago, and (with a fair amount of manual labor) the website is back. All that’s left is to check the buy links to ensure they’re all correct. It won’t take long and we’re close enough to done now that we’re calling it. The …

Things Are Shaping Up

We’ve made great progress in getting the basic functionality of Brian’s site back up and running after the host move. We’re now in the process of adding each one of Brian’s books back into the website. It’s a time-consuming procress, so please bear with us while we work get the catalogue completed again. In the …

New Site Coming Soon

Excuse our mess while we rebuild the site after our move to a new hosting provider. This move provides better security, faster load times, and less maintenance overall. It’s also provided an opportunity to reimagine and simplify things. Look for content to begin returning over the coming few weeks.